
Remedial Massage

Treating musculo-skeletal injuries and conditions

REMEDIAL MASSAGE includes an assessment of the potential causes of the presenting condition followed by a focused treatment of the pain you are experiencing. During the assessment I will look at your habits, lifestyle and exercise regime, and may conduct some muscle testing to inform my treatment plan. A range of different manual therapy techniques will be used to treat your discomfort, for example Trigger Point Release, Deep Tissue Massage, Muscle Energy Techniques and gentle stretching, all customised to your specific needs.

Treatments of this category may receive health fund rebates.

REIKI & Therapeutic Touch

A journey to inner peace

REIKI is a Japanese energy healing modality that aims to increase life force energy (‘Ki’ or ‘Chi’). It reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Touch has been used for millennia in the healing professions - it communicates compassion, and we react to loving, safe touch with a harmonised immune function and less pain.

In this session you will experience inner peace and the loving and healing intent from Daniela who is a trained Reiki Level II practitioner as well as SAMVAHAN practitioner. Guided by the Ayurvedic philosophy of the CHAKRAS, her hands will be gently placed above the body areas that correspond with the energy centres. This guides you towards deep breathing and encourages you to simply BE and LET GO.

Treatments are given while being fully clothed. You will feel like being embraced with warmth, love and compassion while receiving this type of treatment.

Myofascial Release

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE is a subtle but effective technique with a focus on relieving adhesions and restrictions of the connective tissue and easing out Trigger Points.

Fascia is connective tissue that is situated under the skin and surrounds muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons. There are 6 times more nerve receptors in fascia than in muscles and communication in fascia is 15 times faster than in the nervous system. We have about 37 trillion cells and 100 000 proteins, enzymes and hormones that interact with each other, in order to control and manage the body.

Fascia facilitates all communications between every single body part. This is why fascial constrictions can cause issues far away from the actual area of malfunction.

- Tom Myers

Relaxation Massage

A micro-holiday for the mind and the body

RELAXATION MASSAGE de-stresses, calms the mind and relaxes your body. This massage style can aid with your mental and emotional health, as it dampens the ‘fight or flight’ response, activates the body’s innate relaxation response and settles the nervous system.

Some studies have found that massage can be helpful to manage anxiety and depression, fibromyalgia, recurring headaches and digestive issues caused by excessive stress levels and the effects of trauma. Cortisol levels in study participants reduced over the course of the regular treatments, leading to increased well-being and quality of life.

Mindful Body Therapy

The synergy of massage, mindfulness, and therapeutic touch

A guided mediation at the beginning of the session will gently steer your focus away from the To-Do list, and onto your own body & mind. Followed by a full body treatment combining REIKI and MASSAGE, this is a truly holistic treatment with the aim to ground and balance you.

Many people describe it as a short spiritual journey, different from other treatments they received, profoundly soothing and balancing. Allow me to be the facilitator of your journey...

Different to anything I have experienced before. I felt like Daniela had touched every single cell and I was finally able to let go.
— Raelene T.